
Hi, I am Subhkirti Sinha

I am a former Recruitment Director of Smith School of Business (University of Maryland), Alumnus of US Top 5 Public Ivy (University of Florida),  and a ex-Engineer-turned-Writer/Director at The Viral Fever (TVF), creators of cult OTT classics like Kota Factory and Panchayat. 

What does this mean to you?

That, over the years, my accumulated experience in College Admissions, Consulting and Storytelling have helped hundreds of candidates in shaping their unique ‘STORIES’ into Masters/MBA Statement of Purpose (SOPs), and have won them top admits from their DREAM Universities.

Writing SOPs can be tough! You don't have to do it alone

Book a FREE 30-min Consultation with me to get started on your Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement

My clients have made it to the world's best graduate programs

What does the Admissions Committee look for in an Application Essay?

A whole lot of things, and a bit more! Let’s dig into what makes for Winner Essay! 

  • Story Time! Forget boring lists of achievements. Dive into a personal story that highlights your unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Show them who you are beyond the grades.
  • Find Your Voice! Don’t try to sound like everyone else. Be yourself, let your personality shine through. Are you funny, passionate, or introspective? Use your voice to tell your story.
  • Beyond the Books! Show them you’re more than just a good student. Highlight your hobbies, passions, and extracurricular activities. Did you volunteer, lead a team, or create something amazing? Share your talents and interests.
  • Aim High! Don’t just say you want to succeed. Share your specific goals and aspirations. What do you want to achieve and how will you use your education to get there?
  • Fit Like a Puzzle Piece! Show the committee why you belong at their school. Research their values, mission, and unique offerings. Explain how you align with their vision and why you’d be a valuable addition to their community.
  • Make them Smile! A sprinkle of humor goes a long way. Show the committee you don’t take yourself too seriously and can appreciate a good laugh.

Most Top MBA/Masters programs have an Acceptance rate below 10%

Your Statement of Purpose/MBA Essays are the only chance to convince the Admission Committee members that you are the Right fit for the coursework.

But, when you actually sit down to write, you are staring at blank pages and struggle to figure out which ‘stories’ from your life are the most impactful.

Applicants also struggle to process the staggering amount of noise on ‘How to write your SOP’ blogs/YT Videos.

This is where I come in. Your most powerful resource. Someone who has seen the side of how Top Colleges choose Top candidates, and whose storytelling skills have been honed at a Content powerhouse.

Working with me can phenomenally transform your Applications and documents, and create a significant difference in your chances of getting to your dream universities.

I've helped thousand of Applicants get into their dream schools through Outstanding Storytelling!

How can I help?

Your Path to Success Starts here

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