
what are you looking for?

With so many course options, it's difficult to choose the 'BEST FIT' program.


just a reality check

1 %


With such odds, what makes your application STAND OUT?

confused student kungfu panda


In a market flooded with consultants, how do we run things differently?

gradsmith vs market players

Gradsmiths process

week 1:

We have our first call, to tell you everything you need to know about the graduate admission process, The steps, the insights, the competition, your chances.

You will be talking to our head consultants and they will be able to answer your questions regarding what kind of options you have for grad school, which universities make sense for you, what exactly is needed to boost your profile, etc.

By the end of the call, you will have a clearer vision towards your master journey and how to go about it.

week 2: content jam

Now that you are aware of the process, we get to the understanding part. We try to make sense of your profile and how it fits into the current scheme of things.

We do this by asking questions a lot of questions about your life. Our aim is to ‘ask the why’. Why masters? Why now? Why abroad? Why your department?

Then, we categorize your strength and weaknesses, identify what skills make you the right fit for a particular school, and what makes you a stand out in the crowd.

Basically, we try to understand, what exactly makes you… YOU.

week 3: university shortlisting

Once your profile has been carefully studied and all preferences and idiosyncracies like ‘I don’t wanna go to a cold place‘ has been taken into consideration, we share with you the list of universities, backed up with datasets, that we think are the best fit for you.

You might have your own list, which you might wanna discuss. We are absolutely open to that.

Once we come down to a final list of universities you will be applying to, we start with the application process

week 4-5: making of an application

The next step is to actually work on the applications and make them LEGEN…wait for it…. DARY! 

Statement of Purpose, Letter of Recommendation, Personal Statement, Resume, Video SOP, Integrity essay, Diversity application, We do it all. And we work at it relentlessly.

We LOVE students who have quick turnaround times in terms of feedback, and make efforts to enrich their applications.

week 6: Resume Makeover and linkedin strategy

If you are carrying around a 2-page resume, now would be a good time to trash it, burn it, arre jala do usse yaar….

Most of the grad schools have a very strict 1-page resume policy. So, unless you are working on the next ‘big’ thing, you need to compress all your achievements, accolades, fake certificates at work, in school or otherwise, in that one page.

And NO. You don’t need to include ‘hobbies’ in your resume. What are you, zakir hussain?

week 7: start building your networking chain

Perhaps, the most important part of the process. During your grad journey, if there is one thing you should be good at, it has to NETWORKING. 

It will make you go places. Get you jobs. Get you interview calls. Even get you free pizza at a networking event (just kidding, that you get free only). 

At Gradsmiths, we collaborate with industry professionals, consultants in global organizations, and our own alumni network, to nurture your Networking Chain. 

week 8 and beyond:
bringing you grad stories

We love stories. And that is one of the reasons why Gradsmiths exists. That each of our mentors, experts and collaborators have their own #gradstory to tell.

So, being a part of Gradsmiths gives you access to a lot of such stories we try to cover through podcasts, webinars, and live sessions of social media.

Watch them to understand what will be your life when you are abroad, and how you can avoid common mistakes during your grad school.

Seems like a hell lot of work, ain't it?

Yup. It is. And this is precisely why you require people like us. Gotcha!

Convinced, are you? Ya hum aur bolein? No?

Good then, check out which Gradsmith service is your best option.

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